The Annual General Meeting of Groam House Museum will be held on
Thursday 9 December 2021 at 7.30pm
It will be held over Zoom
Meeting ID: 827 9666 9101
Passcode: 305438
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Minute of 2020 AGM – To approve the minute of the previous AGM
3. Reports – the Company’s Accounts and Trustees Report for the year
4. Trustees standing down, under the three-year rule in our constitution:
(Paul Pritchard and Lynne Mackenzie).
These Trustees may be re-elected for a further 1-year period
5. Trustees standing down under the one-year re-election rule
6. Candidates proposed as new Trustees
7. Plans for the future
– possible acquisition of new accommodation
– acquisition of Groam House
– future direction.
8. Independent reviewer of the company accounts
9. AOCB – Any Other Competent Business
Members unable to attend the AGM through Zoom may vote on any or all of the resolutions by proxy. Please contact the Chair for details by email
If you wish to propose an individual for election as a Trustee, please send details of the nomination together with the nominee’s agreement to the nomination, prior to the meeting. Address for sending details –