The Annual General Meeting of Groam House Museum will be held on
Wednesday 13 December 2023 at 7.30pm.
It will be held over Zoom. If you wish to join the meeting, contact the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Doug Maclean, ( for details of the link. If you have already requested the link it will be sent to you shortly.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Welcome and Apologies
- Minute of 2022 AGM – To approve the minute of the previous AGM, 1 December 2022
- Reports – To receive and note the Company’s Accounts and the Report of the Trustees for the year ended 31st March 2023
- Trustees standing down and re-elections. Barbara Cohen and Doug Maclean will be standing down under the Museum’s rule that one third of the Trustees must stand down each year, but may be re-elected.
- Candidates proposed as new Trustees
- Plans for the future
- Independent reviewer of the company accounts – To re-appoint Tim Wickens, F.C.A.M.Sc, Chartered Accountant, Fortrose as Independent Examiner
- AOCB – Any Other Competent Business
Voting by Proxy
Members unable to attend the AGM through Zoom may vote on any or all of the resolutions by proxy. Please contact the Chair for details by email ( or in writing to Doug Maclean, 12 Viewfield Street, Nairn, IV12 4HW
If you wish to propose an individual for election as a Trustee, please send details of the nomination together with the nominee’s agreement to the nomination, prior to the meeting. Address for sending details – or Doug Maclean, 12 Viewfield Street, Nairn, IV12 4HW.
Papers for the meeting are available here: